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'Mic Check' Interview with Chelly Parisi

This week we chat with vocalist and acoustic entertainer Chelly Parisi, slinger of R&B, Pop and soulful grooves!

How do you balance the creative and business sides of the performance industry, and what strategies have worked best for you?

Being a musician and your own business person  are the most challenging aspects of the job but  unfortunately they go hand in hand. Putting aside  my pride and ego are helpful as sometimes you  have to look further and see if that business  prospect will benefit you in the long run. Most  importantly to remember that the music industry  is a business before it is a creative outlet.  


Can you tell us a bit about your performance background and biggest career highlight so far?

I started off singing in cover and original bands  and playing gigs at bars, pubs and nightclubs. My biggest career highlight was playing a gig in  Beijing with a band called Marmalade for a  masquerade ball for the Australian Consulate.

How has the Australian Arts industry changed since you first started, and what changes do you anticipate in the future?

Technology has flipped the Arts Industry over and  over. When I was young and started out we didn’t have the diversity of equipment, knowledge and  social media to help us. So I am glad to have  watched how the arts industry has changed over  the years. Nowadays artists are able to record  themselves at home on their laptop, promote  themselves on socials, get a following without  leaving their home and pursue their career further.

How do you approach your creative process, from ideation to completion?

I decide what suits me vocally and musically and  whether I feel comfortable with a project whether  it be a song, a gig or a number of things that  involve my creative product. 

How do you stay motivated and inspired to create and develop new work?

I often reflect on memories and how I felt at the  time to help me stay motivated. The feeling that  you have accomplished something special keeps  you going. 


What advice would you give to aspiring artists looking to break out?

My advice to an aspiring artist is to believe in  yourself and your talent but to be open to ideas  even if they are not to your liking, Seek advice from  professionals and use their information and  experiences to advance yourself. But most  importantly enjoying what you are doing which will  reflect on your performance and creative lifestyle.

Can you tell us about a collaboration or project that you've worked on that was particularly memorable or influential?

My first recording of a song I wrote is the most  memorable because I had spent so many years  writing songs and I finally had one that I could  show to people in it’s entirety. 

Can you talk about a project or album that you're currently working on and what we can expect from it?

I am currently working on a Motown Meets Disco  solo show and singing all the hits. The aim is to  take the audience back and enjoy dancing to the  songs.

Wanna hear more? Contact us to discuss booking Chelly for your next event!