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Charlotte 'Velvet Jones' Goodchild for 'Mic Check'

We sat down with Charlotte ‘Velvet Jones’ Goodchild to hear all about what’s coming up for her in 2023

Can you tell us a bit about your performance background and how you got started in the industry?

I continued study after high school, completing my Diploma and Bachelor of Music, and I gained contacts from this

What has been your biggest career highlight so far, and why was it significant for you?

Appearing in a nationwide TV commercial

How do you stay motivated and inspired to create and develop new work?

I genuinely love what I do so I’m lucky, I don’t see it as work. Even if I’m tired after a gig, I would rather be tired from something I love doing than something I hate.

How do you approach your creative process, from ideation to completion?

Because I am a songwriter I write from life experience - it’s my therapy I guess!


Can you tell us about a collaboration or project that you've worked on that was particularly memorable or influential?

Currently I’m writing a script. Doing a film class has opened me up to other areas - so ask me this question again in the future and I might have a memorable night at the Oscars!

How has the Australian Arts industry changed since you first started, and what changes do you anticipate in the future?

Its changed so much, I think the introduction of gambling has been a killer for venues. I anticipate more collaborations with DJs and live musicians. Gaming is a huge industry and I think this will become mainstream on TV, similar to YouTube


How do you balance the creative and business sides of the performance industry, and what strategies have worked best for you?

The never ending question hah! Business is business and creative is creative - separate the two and plan!


What advice would you give to aspiring artists looking to break out?

Work really hard - nothing comes to you if you sit back. And surround yourself with your tribe - the ones who are in your corner - stay away from negative people.


Can you talk about a project or album that you're currently working on and what we can expect from it?

Currently I’m writing a script. Doing a film class has opened me up to other areas so ask me this question again in the future and I might have a memorable night at the Oscars hah!



Wanna hear more? Get in contact to book Charlotte for your next event!