Whatever your style, we want you. Great singers and bands.
Artist Bookings is excited to hear from qualified AUSTRALIAN AND AUSTRALIAN BASED musicians, event staff, corporate presenters and artists of all kinds! We represent only the very best - our artists are qualified, talented, reliable and responsive. With a diverse range of life experience and creative practice, our team is adaptable, capable and enthusiastic.
We value hard work and creativity, with a strong focus on professional customer service. If this sounds like you and you are looking for representation please contact Leanne using the form below.
Leanne Gunnulson - CEO Artist Bookings
CEO - Leanne Gunnulson - leanne@artist-bookings.com
Creative Assistant - Mashaka - events@artist-bookings.com (Artist Bookings special projects)
Bookings - Anthony- info@artist-bookings.com (booking enquiries come from this address and are managed by both Anthony and Leanne)
Talent Scout - Ummy- business@artist-bookings.com (this is where to send your demos, set lists and pictures)
Finance - Warren - invoice@artist-bookings.com
Always looking for Great Talent. Talented classical musicians encouraged to apply
By submitting the form you knowledge the following:
We can not guarantee work.
We aim to present you in a highly professional way and request the same when speaking about us to others
We may choose to change the name of your ensemble - we are an agency not a directory
There is no fee charged for creating your profile but it does cost us $$ to build. Please only register if you have all the required information available and wish to be on our site .
We will remove your content on request - we aren’t trying to step on anyone’s toes
We may choose to promote you via several websites that we are affiliated with plus social media, direct email/newsletters/direct referral to clients.
Quality unbranded photos, media and demos work best.
If the quality of your supplied images or demos isn’t up to our standards we may choose to use content located from other sources - i.e. your face book page or your website.
We aim to operate in good faith at all times and request the same.
Lets make some noise. Roving street acts, brass bands, cabaret acts.
We love talented professional artists
N’arwee’t - Aunty Caroline Briggs provides First Nation excellence in cultural presentations. Thankyou Aunty.