The Green Hands - Reggae Band

The Green Hands - Reggae Band
The heart and soul of The Green Hand Band beat with the indomitable spirit of Tim Gray, a Gumbaynggirr/Kumbainggar and Wiradjiri Man. Hailing from Macksville on the Mid-North Coast of New South Wales, Tim's early life was a rugged path filled with hardships, including homelessness and battles with addiction. However, through unwavering determination and relentless hard work, Tim transformed his destiny into that of a prosperous businessman and an enduring inspiration.
Tim's musical odyssey began at TAFE, where he honed his craft and his dream. The Green Hand Band, a dynamic 7-piece reggae ensemble, emerged as a beacon of cultural connection and positivity. With a mission to shatter barriers, embrace ancestral heritage, and enrich Aboriginal culture, the band is now celebrated for their original compositions and electrifying reggae-inspired covers.
Elevate your next major event with the soulful rhythms and uplifting melodies of The Green Hand Band. Their music transcends boundaries and ignites a sense of unity, making them the perfect choice for your next gig.
Ready to infuse your event with the spirit of reggae and cultural celebration? Contact us today and let The Greenhands bring the magic to your stage. Experience the power of music, unity, and inspiration with The Green Hand Band!
Instrumentation: Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Saxophone, Keyboard
Music Genre: Reggae, Originals
Size: Full Band
Hire For: Government Events, Corporate Functions, Festivals, Feature Performances, Showcases, Cultural Events, Background Music
Equipment supplied: Yes – suitable for events up to 200 people
Location: NSW
Buy Music: Soundcloud